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By Krissy Dim-Jamora, | July 03, 2020
We wear a mask to protect ourselves and others from airborne viral infection. While wearing a mask is protective, it can be a source of skin problems if you do not protect your skin. Here are some simple steps to keep your skin looking awesome.
We wear a mask to protect ourselves and others from airborne viral infection. While wearing a mask is protective, it can be a source of skin problems if you do not protect your skin. Here are some simple steps to keep your skin looking awesome.
When should I see a doctor?If you have skin damage or breakouts that don’t respond to skin care changes, you should see a dermatologist. Many now offer virtual visits. Spreading redness or draining pus can be signs of infection. If this happens, seek immediate medical attention.
For inquiries, call Aesthetics by The Medical City at 8-9881000 ext. 6576 / 6579.
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